This is just unbelievably great stuff. Thank you.

I really hope that you can get through to Freddie (and the millions of Freddies out there), in a way that normies like me cannot.

Because what we have on our hands is nothing less than an onging crime against humanity, and it will take every bit of strength and courage and perseverance that all of us have, collectively, to stop it.

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That's so kind of you to say. Thank you!

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I've been dueling with Freddie on this for a while:


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My initial response is that this piece must be required reading for every Democrat in the nation who holds elected or appointed office even if their positions are nonpartisan. Sure, they may have queer or trans staffers who'll intercept the message and whisper into their boss's ear that we're transphobes, but at least they won't be able to say they didn't know.

Others who need to read and heed it are the CEOs and HR managers of companies that have normalized gender identity ideology within their own organizations and are seeking to do so in the larger society in furtherance of perverted notions of corporate responsibility. Bud Light, are you listening?

And let's not forget the school boards, administrators, staff, teachers and others who have hijacked our schools' function as key agents of minors' socialization to normalize the idea among millions of America's school-age kids that males can become females and vice versa. In their case, after reading the piece they should be required to pass a comprehension test in order to be able to continue in their jobs. Oh, and when they express their support for "LGBT" people, they damned better mean it and show they do by figuring out different ways of mentoring sissy boys like the one I was and tomboys than sending them to the social transition barracks.

It goes without saying that the nation's other major educational establishment, the one comprising our colleges and universities, must also accept the truth and wisdom in your letter to Freddie deBoer. The environment at my postbac alma mater is intolerable for gay, lesbian and bisexual youth who have not yet been indoctrinated into queer theory and social justice ideology. That's because the "Queer Resource Center" officially only recognizes queer and trans students and because it promotes only grim, leftist activist causes.

For that matter, liberal seminarians need to have sense gently knocked into them too because they're out there spreading gender identity ideology from the pulpit and in the religious education of minors.

It would be an oversight not to disseminate these views among gay men, lesbians and bisexuals, since members of sexual minorities don't need to be full-blown Queers to have embraced pernicious 21st century fairy tales about the trans phenomenon. "Allies" are just as harmful as trans rights advocates if not more so, since the allies outnumber the pros.

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Thanks for that, Arty. Great riposte - I will cross post.

I have never seen that film - will put it on my list


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