Fun piece. Jaws references are always good and better when meta.

Gays fought for freedom of association and freedom of speech. They can go to a gay bar without harassment or blackmail, and can ask someone home without jail. The love that dare not speak its name was allowed to be told. Gay and Lesbian Pride is allowed to tell unhappy children the truth that it gets better, just wait.

Trans fights against freedom of association and against freedom of speech. Women cannot meet with women, at festivals, in shelters, in bathrooms, in the bedroom. You can’t say biology is reality, and are compelled to lie in work, in science, and in law. Doctors, parents and the law are not allowed to tell unhappy children the truth, it gets better, just wait,

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Yet more great insights, Arty. That the bogosity of "trans" ideology is a feature not a bug had not occured to me, it explains a lot.

In a just world you would be a famous professor of sociology who gets interviewed on 60 Minutes.

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It's become depressingly common to take a position that is contrary to reality and call this the staking out of a brave new outlook.

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The movie sequel metaphor makes sense but there is a more apt one, and it leads to a broader point.

Right now the Republican party is disintegrating because the ideology of resentment (and ignorance) that began with Reagan's half-dozen campaign quips ("I'm from the government and I'm here to help") have led to the idolization of a complete scoundrel, and a lot of people loyal for decades have had to draw their line and say "this I will not cross." Mitt Romney won't vote for a rapist.

I don't want to stretch this too far because it will lead to a flame war I'm unwilling to participate in. The point is that the tribe has overextended itself.

Well, the civil rights side of the political "left" had successive achievements with racial and gay issues, but has now horribly overextended itself with "trans," embracing garbage science and a vast wall of lies. And just as some Republicans unwilling to go along with Trump's top-to-bottom vileness, a lot of we who regard ourselves as liberal ("progressive" is such a copout) are unable to follow our "tribe" into blessing the neutering of children or the vapidity of identity politics or pronoun rituals.

Where movie sequels correspond to an analogy, the "trans" tumor of liberal politics is closer to a homology.

I think that once this blows over, as it is beginning to, we are going to look back on the medical travesty that began in 2009 with utter horror, and there will be hundreds of thousands of psychologically and surgically damaged people among us to remind us of how we let ourselves be led into madness.

The only treatment available to the "gender incongruent" should be psychiatric reconciliation with their biological sex. Anything else should mean, at the very least, being barred from practicing medicine.

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"Ironically, the reason gender ideology has such a stubborn hold on the left is BECAUSE it's so easy to debunk."

Also, because the right opposes gender ideology, and the left has no broader mandate than that.

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"Mensa for idiots"...

But you repeat yourself.

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