Hi Arty, this is great. I moved from the SF Bay Area to Melbourne 6 years ago to live with my partner. In that time Melbourne has become absolutely unaffordable. We are in a good position because he was able to buy his townhouse 25 years ago but we ask ourselves all the time who can afford to live here? House prices in country Victoria have at least doubled in 5 years and the only housing we see being built in Melbourne are shoddily-manufactured "luxury" units, presumably to attract foreign investors. Of course all of this leaves the average Australian hoping to get into the housing market in the lurch.

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This is a great piece, clearly explaining this use of a human need to generate and store wealth at the expense of everything else. I live in the Denver area and it’s getting like that here. I will need to move if I ever want to have a decent size living space that I can afford.

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