Another brilliant piece, Arty, thank you. When I saw that opening scene of 3BP, I too immediately thought of the gender ideologues and their physical attacks on women like Posey Parker (aka Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull), and all the women's meetings now that do not announce the venue until immediately before, for safety. This is real, this is happening now.

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This is one of the most timely, insightful, and though-provoking pieces about gender ideology I have ever read. Thanks for your good work, Arty. Bravo.

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Wow! Thank you ❤️

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"I, for one, would welcome our new alien overlords."

...and I'd like to remind them that, as a trusted Substack personality, I can be quite useful in rounding up others to toil in their underground hormone mines.

It would seem our friend the genderbread man has tapped out. Was it something we said?

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